Tuesday, June 16, 2009

In the Garden

I took a quick peek out in the garden today and found a couple of treasures ... I have four pots of begonias going and this is the first bud! They are beautiful Flamingo Begonias from Dutch Gardens and will eventually look like this beautiful plant. Yes, they do have all those lovely colors on them! I just went over to look at Dutch Gardens home page and the amazing new tulip! Definitely for my fall garden!

The second pleasure in my little garden is a little tomato plant that is absolutely growing it's heart out and already has two tomatoes on it and they are almost bigger than the plant itself! Better get some stakes to help support the lil sweetie! This is a Rutger's tomato plant. This variety was introduced in 1934 in Rutgers, NJ, and was grown as a commercial vegetable used by Campbell's and Heinz. It's not grown commercially any longer, but it is still available from many seed companies as an "heirloom" tomato. I'm growing this one as a canning tomato. Also in the garden are Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, Roma, and a couple of cherry plants.

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